ORIGINAL ARTICLE LINK Picaas has proved to be approximately 400 times faster and up to 95% cheaper than a manually image editing approach TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 27, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — iKala, a Human-Centered […]

ORIGINAL ARTICLE LINK Picaas has proved to be approximately 400 times faster and up to 95% cheaper than a manually image editing approach TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 27, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — iKala, a Human-Centered […]
The new fancy advertising tool for E-commerce, Google Shopping ads (GSA), launched in 2017, sounds pretty powerful. Yet, catching up with GSA critical tips is important to help advertisers increase […]
Google Shopping Ad is the image ad on Google Search which presents the format with product image, product name, price, and merchant name. More than a text-ad, Shopping Ads put […]