Must Have Tech for e-Commerce: Using Artificial Intelligence Technology in Online Retail
In a crowded e-marketplace, attracting customers through the use of the most up-to-date digital marketing techniques is more vital than ever. As an e-business owner, you’re looking to enhance your visibility and target your advertising in order to maximize your sales and to grow your brand. But there’s a lot of competition out there, and every one of your competitors is striving to gain the market edge.
Technology-savvy, customer-focussed and omnichannel marketing is a vital tool in targeting the best audience for your products and services. What, then, are some of the tools that businesses can use to make sure that their marketing strategy is on-point? One of the most cutting edge techniques for e-businesses to maximize their reach and target their advertising towards a customer base is the use of AI, or Artificial Intelligence.

AI Technology: What is it?
The words “Artificial Intelligence” can immediately call to mind images of scary science-fiction horror to an audience familiar with Hollywood portrayals of rogue machines and murderous robotics. But those movies are works of fiction, whereas in reality AI is very much at the forefront of digital marketing and, indeed, it is all around us as we speak. The Google algorithm that brought you to this website? That’s an example of Artificial Intelligence technology. Though in its more complex forms, it can be used in the creation of autonomous driverless cars and advanced robotics. AI is also currently being used in e-commerce in the form of chatbots to enhance customer service, dynamic price optimization, and process automation.
Using AI Technology to Optimise Performance and Boost Business Growth
The types of AI technologies currently employed in the field of business marketing and eCommerce are nowhere near the “superintelligence”, “superhuman” bogey-man that some fear. Instead, CIOs (Chief Information Officers) are turning to AI as a means of boosting the customer experience.
Business owners are busy people. There is a lot involved in starting up a business, whether big or small, and time and money are precious commodities. In the world of e-commerce, retailers need the smart and effective tech to streamline their processes, minimize the possibilities for human error and manage their online presence in the most time- and cost-effective ways. Advances in AI technology are increasingly enabling e-retailers to meet those needs and to boost their business growth.
The Artificial Intelligence Technology Revolution and Digital Marketing
How, then, is Artificial Intelligence technology currently being used in the field of advertising and digital marketing? According to a 2018 report conducted by Econsultancy and MediaMath and reported at eMarketer.com, 47% of respondents reported that they were already using AI technology to target their advertising to an audience, with a further 34% indicating that they planned to start doing so in the future. With so many companies now adopting Artificial Intelligence strategies to target customers, improve their shopping experience, and thus establish repeat business and brand loyalty, the AI Revolution is, in the words of Nicole Martin,
“Changing digital marketing for the better.”
(N.Martin, Nov 12, 2018, “How AI Is Revolutionizing Digital Marketing”, Forbes.com)
Deep-Learning-Based AI technologies
Picaas’ automated photo editing and image enhancement service use Deep-Learning-Based Artificial Intelligence Technology to help businesses optimize their images for Google Shopping Ads. This form of AI tech uses “machine learning algorithms” that mimics the function of the human brain. In so doing, this kind of technology can analyze and interpret data, recognize faces, numbers, and images. Like a human brain, Deep Learning Technology can look at data and extrapolate information from it. For example, Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence Technology can look at your data and images and analyze them according to set parameters. This is where AI can help you quickly, accurately, and effectively analyze your input and optimize your content for peak efficiency.
Optimizing your Google Shopping Ads: Why It Matters in e-Commerce
You’ve got a product to sell, and you want to be front and center when any buyer who is interested in a product types their search term into Google and clicks ‘enter’.
In 2017 Google Shopping Ads, or GSA, was launched. It offers remarkable ease-of-use for shoppers, who can quickly and easily browse through a range of products from a vast array of businesses. Imagine that you are an online retailer specializing in ladies’ footwear, and I am in the market for a new pair of shoes. With Google Shopping Ads, you can not only tell me in text format about your product, but you can show me images, tell me how much you’re selling your product for, and then direct me to your online shop, all within one click. It works for me as a buyer, as it is quick and easy, and I can find all the relevant information I need at my fingertips. And it works for you because you get more traffic to your online store, and greatly increase the likelihood of follow-on sales.
As an online retailer, then, you want your product, and your online marketplace to take pride of place in Google Shopping Ads. In order to achieve this, you need to optimize your ads for GSA. That’s where Picaas (“PICture As A Service”) Digital Transformation and Data-Driven Marketing solutions come in, with Google Shopping Ads AI Image Enhancement Service.
Picaas GSA AI Image Retouch and How It Can Help You
Picaas’ GSA Image enhancement service is the world’s first smart image optimization solution for Google Shopping Ads. Launched in 2019, it is a safe and efficient tool for regulating and modifying image quality for Google Shopping campaigns. As reported in Yahoo Finance, Picaas “has proved to be approximately 400 times faster and up to 95% cheaper than a manually image editing approach”. Using Deep Learning Technology, Picaas quickly fixes your product photos in compliance with image requirements of Google Shopping Ads, ensuring that your advertising content is fully compliant with image requirements for Google Shopping. It saves you time and, thus, money, allowing you to get your digital marketing strategy on point and optimized for maximum efficiency and greater selling power.
You can find out more about Picaas GSA AI image retouching at https://picaas.io/ , and even try it out for free with Online Demo.